Oct 31, 2009

Parts of the religion

[the name of this post is based on 'Parte de la religiĆ³n' (=part of the religion) a song by Charly Garcia]

Obviously this is not a cheap project, a quick count of parts easily gives a view of the main groups of expensive parts to buy. As I say it before, I'll trying to build at least one of each modules of the 'classic' IP as previous experience and point of reference on building the new versions. My first fear was that could be impossible locate the old chips and I was wrong, it could be found in many places (prices may vary a lot).

I managed to obtain a good stock of chips, now I have enough to build several 'classic IP' modules. In the quantity order (as stated in the complete part list) the needed chips are: (70ea) CA3030, (35ea) MC1445L, (4ea) ICL8038BC, (4ea) uA715; but that quantities is to build a complete system.

Other semiconductors needed are: (144ea) 2N4123 npn transistor, (90ea) 2N4125 pnp transistor, (53ea) 1N270 germanium diode. Now I'm seeing my options with this parts and also the big quantity of IC sockets needed.
The second big group of parts are: potentiometers, knobs and connectors. For the connectors, I've used an idea I had been thinking around for a while: I bought an empty card cage of a video router on ebay, it requires a little of labor but it only cost me 5 euros! I have not counted yet the potentiometers needed, then I'll see which options I have for this quantity. I think I will left the knobs for the last stage.

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